Monday, March 22, 2010

Healthcare "Reform"

Reform my ass, this is just another way for pansy-ass democrats and bleeding-heart liberals to posture themselves ahead of the game. Obama has shown in various interviews and public speeches that he doesn't even know much of what is in this bill that he has helped to pass. I have always said that the healthcare system that we have does need to be overhauled and fixed in dire ways but this just isn't the answer that we need. First off this reform will cost the US approximately $900 Billion over the first 10 years. I guess already being trillions of dollars in debt doesn't mean squat to the politicians but to me it further puts us in debt to countries like China who already practically support us financially. But, who am I to say that everyone in America doesn't deserve healthcare? Well dammit I am an american who may works for his money and doesn't want lazy people sitting on their butts getting the same treatment that I do. Finding a job isn't as hard as some may lead you to believe...there is always a mcdonalds or burger king looking for someone to flip burgers or drop french fries into grease. People just need to get over their misplaced sense of entitlement and get out and get a job. The way I think healthcare should work is people who have jobs get healthcare and people who are unemployed get it for say 6 months to 1 year then when that time is up when/if they havent found a job then take the care away then maybe they will realize how important a damn job is. Second we need to change the way our welfare system works as well, People on welfare have to have some kind of a job. If they "can't" find one then they can work in government buildings doing various jobs to earn their keep. Freedom isn't free and neither is life. Sorry for the rant but the current state of our country has me feeling "pretty vacant" to quote the "great" Johnny Rotten

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Griffin, you run for office and you got my vote. I've always thought we should do away with welfare. It does nothing but entitle people to be depend on the government.
